Last Date To Apply: (i) All programmes of studies (except B. Tech): 24.04.2015
(ii) B. Tech programme: 08.05.2015
About Tezpur University:
Tezpur University is a Central University located in Tezpur in the North
Eastern state of Assam, India by an act in Parliament of India in 1994.The
governor of Assam, Padmanabha Acharya is the chancellor of Tezpur University,
Mihir Kanti Chaudhuri is the vice-chancellor and Amarjyoti Choudhury is the pro
How to apply: The eligible candidates are
required to apply online through the University website ( by paying application fee of Rs 250/- (for SC, ST and PWD categories )
and Rs 500/- ( for other categories). Bank charges will be extra. Payment of
the fee may be made through Debit card or Credit card. Detailed procedure is available on the
University website. Admit cards for the Tezpur University Entrance Examinations
will have to be down loaded by the candidates from the website ( for B.Tech and
Ph.D. candidates admit cards will not be required). Candidates should read and
follow the instructions carefully while filling up the relevant columns of the
online application form. No printed form of application will be issued
Important dates:
Date of display
of T.U prospectus with online application form on the website: 02.03.2015
Last date of submission of online application form:
(i) All
programmes of studies (except B. Tech): 24.04.2015
(ii) B. Tech
programme: 08.05.2015
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